Favourite marketing campaign of the week.

Marketing can be done in many ways today. Someone can use straightforward marketing (direct), teasing or guerilla, there are many ways and many different channels that someone can use in order to advertise its products.

Every now and then there are inspirations that can be memorable.

The advertisement above is part of Mobiles.co.uk most recent marketing campaign.

You’ve got to love the challenge they came up with and if the people who took the challenges are random for real this is an amazing inspiration because before the video was published there was endorsement from the participants.

It’s fun to watch and I hope you enjoy it.

Email Marketing Advice #1

Better results for less with inbound marketing

Companies do lots of online marketing. It’s only natural – according to statistics provided by Hubspot 54% more leads are generated by inbound tactics than traditional paid marketing, while two times as many marketers say inbound delivers bellow average cost per lead than outbound methods.


Companies save $20K on average per year by investing more in inbound marketing VS outbound.

For more details on inbound marketing please download the free report here Continue reading